Saturday, February 13, 2010

Which track to use?

A bit of browsing "the net" and reading model rr publications gave me the track options available. Keeping in mind that I am a beginner, only time and experience will determine if the choices were good ones. Deciding that ease of use and reliability took precedence over flexibility and a more natural appearance (and in the interest of "starting somewhere") I thought that Kato Unitrack seemed like the best way to go. This track snaps together and the roadbed is built-in making it quick and easy to assemble.

The appearance of the Kato track should easily be made to look "more natural" with the addition of paint and ballast as part of the scenery.

The basic oval was very easy to put together and the "elderly" old-time engine and cars circled the track with no difficulty. Just what I needed. Early success!

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