Since the layout must be portable, the search was on for a lightweight material to be used as a base. Research indicated that extruded styrofoam would be practical. The local Home Depot and area lumber yards carried only the pink foam board made with polyisocyanurate. It was suggested that although this is fine for insulation, it is not practical for model railroading. A member of described it as a "product that doesn't cut well" and "hard to drill through without making a mess (and stinking up the place as well). Many common scenery paints and adhesives interact badly..").
One lumber yard had 2x4x8 extruded foam board. However, it was expensive because it has a foil-faced sheathing, an extra I didn't want. A call to nearby National Lumber revealed they had one sheet of 1x4x8 Dow Blue (Styrofoam) extruded foam board. Though somewhat shopworn, and not the preferred "square edged" sheet, it was suitable for my purpose and they were willing to cut two 28" x 40" panels for me. I used "Liquid Nails for Projects and Foam Board" to stick the two panels together, creating the 2" x 28" x 40" base I wanted.
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